"Guess where" is based on a simplified picture of it? Try out "Guess Where !" We have collection of world famous places. It will give you a clue to help you guess where it is. Now test your knowledge that how many countries and cities you can recognize. Guess them as many as you can!
--> There are 5 rounds for each game-play.
--> Every new gameplay will display randomly selected picture for guessing the place. So, It will let you know more places and also helps to improve your general knowledge.
--> See the picture and make the guess the place, where it is in the world. For guessing we have draggable pin on the map area. So, just drag the pin to the location you want to guess and then submit your answer.
--> More accurate you guess more points you will earn. So, take your time for guessing and try to earn more points.
--> Share the final Results/Points earned with your friend via Facebook,Twitter,Email a Friend features.
--> Simple but attractive graphic designing of application. Also as the application is developed with universal support. So, take the advantage of Universal app and play it on iPhone,iPod and iPad devices.
--> No registration, No complicated rules. Just start playing and have fun! Grab your app today its Free !!!!!